Родной хелп: Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 — Export Settings Format options
One of a set of standards defined by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG). MPEG-2 supports encoding of video and associated audio at bit rates up to around 10.08 Mbps. MPEG-2 can deliver high-quality, full‑screen, full‑motion video. Filename extensions: .mpa (audio only), .m2v (video only), .mpg.
A subset of the MPEG‑2 standard designed for encoding standard-definition video for DVD media. DVDs are a widespread distribution medium that can be played on computer DVD drives, or on set‑top DVD players. Filename extension: .m2v.
Если нет желания вникать в детали и есть дисковое пространство, то самым простым и качественным вариантом будет экспорт таймлайна в «uncompressed AVI», с последующей обработкой любым «DVD Authoring» софтом. К примеру Roxio Creator или аналогичными…
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